Entering 5 Events/Turn

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Entering 5 Events/Turn

Postby horses29938 » Tue Mar 14, 2017 8:46 pm

Ok, so I can't exactly 'prove' this right now, but I have two horses that were entering 5 events/turn, not every turn though, only a few. I thought it was just me and let it slide with the first horse, but with the second, I starting paying attention and realized it happened

Horse One:
http://www.virtualhorseranch.com/viewho ... se=2343811

entering in regional penning with http://www.virtualhorseranch.com/viewho ... se=2343812. 4 turns, (16 events at 4/turn) but when entered, partner 1 was able to enter in one more set than the other, so I re-checked the event list, I saw that on the bottom of the 2nd page that with the bottom 4 events, one had an entry (the 5th event for horse 1) and the 12 before had both entered.

Horse Two:
http://www.virtualhorseranch.com/viewho ... se=2455962

entering in provincial hunters... should take 5 turns (20 events with 4 entries/turn) but this was how she entered
turn 1 = 4 events
turn 2 = 5 events
turn 3 = 5 events
turn 4 = 4 events
turn 5 = 2 events (entered the last two in the 20 auto events posted)

I really hope this isn't too confusing the way I explained it, but has anyone else had this happen to them? I generally enter until it says I've entered the max per turn so that is how they got entered in extras.
I'll add if I find this happening in other horses that I am eventing
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Re: Entering 5 Events/Turn

Postby Hawk » Tue Mar 14, 2017 9:33 pm

I suspect this might be linked to the lag we've been experiencing the last few days.

This would need to be reported through OW though for Nef to see and look into.
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Re: Entering 5 Events/Turn

Postby Ellie » Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:13 pm

It's been happening to me as well, Jen!
I thought I was just too tired and had counted wrong but this confirms that I'm not delusional XD
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Re: Entering 5 Events/Turn

Postby horses29938 » Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:05 am

Will do Hawk!

And Ellie you're not alone haha!
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