Stats Dropping Right Before 200?

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Stats Dropping Right Before 200?

Postby blackstone13 » Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:50 pm

This has happened to me twice today now, where I trained a horse, and the stat went down instead of up right before the stat hits 200 - is this happening to anyone else?

The most recent one was this horse: ... se=2444471
Right when the stat was at ~199.5, the next two trainings (I wasn't sure I had seen it right the first time, but both trainings did indeed make it go down) instead made the stat go down to ~198.4 before the third training made it start going back up properly, and eventually reaching 200. The previous horse it happened with endurance. Anyone know whats up?

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Re: Stats Dropping Right Before 200?

Postby Ellie » Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:12 pm

Did you by any chance change the diet?
Diets over 100% drop endurance and diets under 100% drop strength
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Re: Stats Dropping Right Before 200?

Postby blackstone13 » Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:43 pm

No I didn't, plus the second time it happened it was with intelligence. Very odd!
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Re: Stats Dropping Right Before 200?

Postby Hawk » Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:51 pm

So far there have been no other reports of anything like this happening.
Diet is the only way to drop a stat and only works on strength and endurance.

Is it possible that you may have looked at the wrong stat / got them confused so thought it went down the next training because you were looking at one of the other stats by mistake? I know I've done that a few times in the past.

If it does happen again, stop training the horse and submit a ticket to Orbis Worlds so it can be looked into.
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Re: Stats Dropping Right Before 200?

Postby blackstone13 » Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:36 pm

I'm like 99% sure of what I saw because it was the only stat that was anywhere near maxed - I was maxing intelligence first. It is not a big deal at all - if it does happen again I will submit a ticket maybe. Thanks!
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