Website doesn't work on IE

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Website doesn't work on IE

Postby Keewatin » Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:51 pm

ALl of a sudden yesterday around 12 pm my vhr does not work on IE. It says the Http:// is not found.... Idk how this happened because I don't believe a website its self can designate which browser will operate on it?

Has anyone had this problem, how to I cure it lol... I hate fire fox -_-
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Re: Website doesn't work on IE

Postby Rain » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:47 am

Probably not the answer you were looking for, but have you tried Chrome? >.> My dad loves IE and I got him to pick up Chrome and he hasn't looked back.

Other than that, I'm kinda useless. D: Have you done the usual things like empty your cache and delete your cookies?
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Re: Website doesn't work on IE

Postby BarqsandWhinnies » Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:14 am

Also try resetting your internet. Also if you leave your computer on 24/7 it will cause your browsers to overload. That has never happened to me but a friend of mine who spends way to much time online and never ever turns his puter off has it happen often lol

And like Rain said, cookies, temp files etc.
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Re: Website doesn't work on IE

Postby Keewatin » Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:28 pm

hmmm well it was doing it to multiple websites so I brought it in to be looked at by my tech center for my computer. they said it had minor updating and software errors that were messing up some stuff on my computer... they said they didn't know how it affected my web browsing but after they did what ever they did it works... I'm guessing when they were updating and fixing software issues they deleted cookies cause I hadn't tried that... But oh well it works now haha! and my comp runs faster :P
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