New sponsor: What/and how do i catch the wild horses?

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New sponsor: What/and how do i catch the wild horses?

Postby Evergreen88 » Sat Apr 17, 2021 8:11 am

When i got the sponsor account it says we get a few wild horse catches? what does that mean, and how do we get them? Super interested!
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Re: New sponsor: What/and how do i catch the wild horses?

Postby Rain » Sun May 02, 2021 10:35 am

Not sure if you got an answer to this, but if you click management you'll see the grey box in the middle of the page. Almost all the way down in that box you'll see "Wild Horses" and it'll tell you how many you have left to catch and then a link to catch them. Year sponsors get 6, 6 months gets 3, and I forget if shorter upgrades get any beyond that. You'll get a random breed of foundation horse, up to six depending on the length of the sponsor account you have. Hope that helps!
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