**Top Horses at this Ranch**
The Ghost**$2.145.000 CONFY
Princess**$627.000 CONFY
Desire**$330.000 DRIVING
Pompeii**$520.000 FOXHUNTING

Welcome to Winged Horse Stable! I am currently trying to breed excellent halter horses.
**About Me**
I've been playing VHR since 2004. I breed comfy Arabs and NSHs. Feel free to pm me if you need help or are interested in buying anything at this ranch.
**My Other Ranches**
Paradise Ranch Lucky Stables
Other Ranch1
**My Goals**
Get at least three arabian mares with scores under 30Not yet
Get at least three NSH mares with scores under 30 Not yet
Get at least three arab stallions with scores under 30 Not yet
Get at least three NSH stallions with scores under 30
Breed a confy horse with a score of 28.0 or lower
Breed a confy horse with a score of 27.0 or lower Not yet
Breed a confy horse with a score of 26.0 or lower Not yet
