Locked Skills Declining

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Locked Skills Declining

Postby rezzitgryph » Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:28 am

I've recently been trying to run some events. I was upset to see that my locked (at the time, I've unlocked it so I can try to gain back the skill points) English Training has degraded to 90 so that Ranch Management can raise. All of my skills were locked, so that shouldn't have happened.

EDIT: Ok, so I went about trying to fix this. At first I unlocked both the wanted English training and the unwanted Ranch Management training skills. I trained a NPC rider, and all the skill points I was awarded actually DEDUCTED from my skill. I now have an English riding skill of 89.62%.

I then reset the unwanted Ranch Management skill, locked it and ALL OTHER skills to be on the safe side, and started training a horse. I am getting no gains what so ever. I took several turns just to be sure.

This stinks for me as English training is the MOST important skill for basically everything I'm doing atm.

EDIT AGAIN!: I got the skill to start rising so I can probably fix it now no problem. I've locked ALL stats now. Maybe you have to do that, I always thought that locking the ones you wanted to keep were they were was enough.
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Postby Swar » Sat Jun 07, 2008 4:25 am

That happens to me too. For some reason when my mgmt is not maxed it will add a few points if I have events left to run. Then my skills will say something like 510/500 and every time I train after that, the skill I am using declines until it is back to 500/500. Locking makes no difference and yep it should.
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Postby Sabella » Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:27 am

I am now having this problem too. I had English Training locked, then it came unlocked and Ranch Management started gaining. I tried resetting Ranch Management, but it won't do it and when I train an NPC, English keeps decreasing. :?
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