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PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:21 pm
by Aljan4375
[hijack] What type of puppies?[/hijack]

HA! I'm in Weimaraners and (English) Pointers. LOVE `em! They're surprisingly different breeds for having such a similar type and function, lemme tell ya, but man, are they FUN!!!! Showing dogs is my passion! The worst days showing are still better than dealing with the ignorant masses any day of the week.

Anyhow, since I'm purging myself of a lot of angst today, another thing that is very difficult to deal with is the fact that people here really want to jump down your throat without knowing the whole story/taking things out-of-context/ganging up on you. I had that happen not long ago with somebody taking offense to a comment that I made that was supposed to be in respectful observance of an IRL horse they lost, mind you, the wording was awkward because I was in the midst of getting attacked for something ELSE that was taken out-of-context at the time... Once one person took it out-of-context in the middle of a quickly-escalating post, that was it. EVERYONE jumped aboard the bandwagon with their witless resonses in some sort of mindless mob-rule movement against what I meant to be a harmless comment, and it got so bad that one of the mod.'s had to jump in and tell everyone to quit - I think the whole post got deleted eventually, per my request.

It's not like I haven't been through it, too, you know? I lost a puppy during a routine neutering surgery due to an undetected heart defect over 4 YEARS ago, and it's still hard for me to talk about it. I STILL get depressed and cry on his birthday. I'm getting choked up just thinking about it now. Do I SOUND like the type of person that would insult somebody who cherished their horse the way I did my beloved Steele? I tried to apologize 5 times even though I was the one getting mobbed, and instead, I got insulted, yelled at, even THREATENED (that was actually kind of funny), even though it was really clear that I wasn't the Devil Incarnate that everyone was trying to make me out to be. That was the second one of three events that almost made me quit this game that week...

:::sigh::: Well now that I'm hearing other people on this thread, I know it's not just me. And by the way, Dark, I just wanted to publicly say thank you for the really generous PM'ed offer of a "replacement mare" for the one I gave back to the unthankful person that inspired this whole thread (you offered me a really nice mare, too!). That was one of the nicest things that anyone here has ever done for me! You're a definite class act!

Okay, now that it's off my chest, I feel a little better. I'm going to go get in on the "beat the crap out of your brother" action that my Weims and Pointer are getting into right now. :::praying I didn't just hear glass break:::

~ Amanda @ Aljan

PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:14 am
by Madam X
~sends good vibes~

there truly are an amazing number of rude inconsiderate people out there. But there are gems too. So far for me, dealing with the jerks has been worth it just to find the gems ;)

I hope things go better for you Amanda! :D

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:49 am
by Lexi
Desert Fire wrote:Happened to me too and I messaged the person who bought her and never had a response :(

thats happened to me too :( i was so annoyed with myself because i put her up for auction so i could take days without aging her but i forgot to put more zeros on the end and sold her for like 10k when she was fully trained and ready to win mega bucks. oh and also the best horse i ever bred.