I have layouts done on some of my pages & have done the code for a drop down menu box with links to my other ranches.
When I go to take this code & put it on my ranches that don't have layouts, the drop down box isn't working?? This code is working on my other ranches so why not now?? Can someone give me the code? This is what I am using on my ranches that have had this code on for many years.
<form method="post">
<font class="content" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
<select name="otheraccounts" size="1" onChange="window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,'_top')">
<option value=otheraccounts>...LINKS TO MY OTHER RANCHES...</option>
<option value=</option>
<option value=<B>SPONSOR RANCHES:</option>
<option value=http://www.virtualhorseranch.com/viewranch.php?ranch=46601>Forbidden Farm--Training sponsor ranch</option>
<option value=http://www.virtualhorseranch.com/viewranch.php?ranch=32557>Spotacular Sporthorse Stables--Training sponsor ranch</option>
What am I doing wrong??? Why is this code working on ranches that have had it for years & won't work now?