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Layout problem!!!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:31 pm
by talausa101
Ok, I just had this layout made but I can't get the pics to show. Can someone tell me whats wrong with the code. I'll post one section were the pics are at a time. Mind you everything else works fine but the pictures.

<table style="width:1116px; height:738px" border=0>
<tr><td style="background: img src=““; height:738; width:1116"/>
<span style="width:610px; height:320px; overflow:auto; color:black; text-align:left; visibility: visible; overflow:auto; scrollbar-face-color: FF1985; scrollbar-3dlight-color: FF1985; scrollbar-shadow-color: black; scrollbar-highlight-color: black; scrollbar-track-color: FF1985; scrollbar-arrow-color: black; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: FF1985;FILTER: chroma (color=FF1985) filter:
alpha(opacity=70); border:none; color:none; position:relative; left:245; top:200;"><p align=left><font color=black><font face=tahoma><font size="1">