Banner Size Limits!

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Banner Size Limits!

Postby Hawk » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:45 am

Posting this other forum sections since so many people are still ignoring it. Note we are NOT warning anymore, just removing violating signatures.

Hawk's size limit for signatures and banners has been up for quite some time, and I'm STILL seeing people breaking the size limit. SO. As of now, there will be stricter enforcement of signatures and the banners therein.

Total signature size MAY NOT exceed 300 x 500 pixels!

Within that size limit, you can cram as many banners, icons, pictures, sayings, whatever that you want but the total size MUST be within those limitations. NO, this does not mean you can have one huge banner! See individual banner size limit below.

If you need a size reminder on what 300 x 500 looks like, here it is:

Now for the new stuff!

Individual banners MAY NOT exceed 150 x 500 pixels!

ADDED: The exception to this is the round icon banners, which may not exceed 250 x 250 pixels and must have a transparent background around them. Players are not allowed more than 2 of this type of banner, side by side.

The ginormous 300 x 600 banners are pretty annoying. It doesn't take that much space to advertise your ranches, guys.

Barapony is so expertly demonstrating what 150 x 500 pixels looks like:

From now on, ops will be deleting excessive signatures. Be respectful! Keep them small and contained, or lose them.

That is all. :3

It's common knowledge that politics are NOT allowed on the forums or in the game. This would include ALL parts of the game, including banners /signatures.
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Featherless Op with Pink Hoody & Bunny slippers.
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Re: Banner Size Limits!

Postby Hawk » Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:41 pm

Hawk wrote:
Total signature size MAY NOT exceed 300 x 500 pixels!

Individual banners MAY NOT exceed 150 x 500 pixels!

Just a reminder, that individual banners may NOT exceed 150 pixels high, by 500 pixels wide. Still seeing a lot of people making banners much over the allowed sizes, whether it be only in height or width.
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Featherless Op with Pink Hoody & Bunny slippers.
Posts: 3155
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