Please be aware that these rules also pertain to banners and layouts made but not posted for sale or display in the forums. Yes, this means that ALL layouts and banners used within the game or forums MUST follow the copyright rules. Not just individuals publicly selling the items.
Copyright Information
"Copyright" means, as one would expect, "the right to copy" a given image, for use in other projects. All photography and artwork belongs to the original artist. Sometimes, these artists are very nice people, and allow others to use their work to make things like lineart, banners, layouts, and photomanips. When an artist or photographer gives the public the right to use their images, it becomes "Stock".
Just because an image is online does NOT mean it's free to use. Not even if it appears in search engines. Images that come up on a Google search, for example, are copyrighted and may NOT be used without written permission.
To use an image on VHR, you must have the original photographer's/artist's permission to copy and use the image. In some cases, this permission is given right on the website, in the form of a Creative Commons license. This means that you don't have to ask the artist or photographer, because they give permission to everyone.
If you find a photograph, or piece of art, that you wish to use, and you do NOT see a statement in writing giving you permission, you must email the photographer or artist for permission. Keep the permission you get! We ops can and do scan for copyrighted images, and you may be asked to provide the permission you got to use the picture.
Some places to look for images that are okay to use are Flickr and Deviant Art. You still must follow the copyright holders rules of use and provide the proper credit and links to show the image is free to use creative commons.
Hawk wrote:Things that will get your thread locked, moved and account suspended:
Taking someone elses completed art, leaving or removing the signature / copyright.
Taking someone elses lineart, whether it be from a free line art site or a non use lineart and removing the sig / copyright and trying to sell it.
Attempting to sell / give away layouts from free sites, claiming it as your own.
Tracing someone elses work or photos.
Copying someone elses work or photo.
Using someone elses lineart that is stolen off copyrighted work. It's your responsibility to make sure the work you post here is legit to use, regardless of who ripped off the original artist.
Basically, if you have to question it, don't do it.
Reproducing model horses, this has never been allowed and violates the companies copyrights.
Using copyrighted photos in videos.
Not reading and signing the copyright thread.
Posting Your Art for Sale or Auction
So you've made a banner, layout, lineart, or manip that you want to sell. There are a few things you need to be sure to do in your sales post.
GIVE CREDIT!! You MUST include credit to the original artist or photographer ON the image/banner/layout itself, REGARDLESS of the artist's policy. Failing to credit the original artist/photographer will result in the image being removed until proper credit is given.
You MUST provide a link to each and every stock photo that you've used in your creation. Be sure that the copyright information is clearly evident on your link!
Good link (contains copyright info): ... 351129891/
Bad link (does not contain copyright info): ... e24c_b.jpg
Failure to post links when posting a finished art project will result in the sale or auction being locked, or the images / layouts removed. If you still cannot provide copyright information for the photos used, you will earn 12 points and a 24 hour ban for copyright theft.
This includes old images you're using as examples. "I forgot where I found it" and "It's really old" are not excuses. If you can't find the sources again, don't post the image.
Suggested posting format for sales and auctions:
- Code: Select all
Source Photo(s): http://www.PhotoSource.whatever
BIN: (if you are offering one)
For artists with Commission threads, this applies to EVERY banner you post. All finished products ready for pickup need to have the link(s) to your source(s).
If you allow your buyers to post their own photos, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as an artist to ensure these images are stock. Just as it is the buyers responsibility to make sure images used are stock. We will not accept "But they provided the photos" or "I didn't bother to double check" when awarding violation points.
All of the original photographer's/artist's rules MUST be followed.
Signatures are the text and banners that are attached to your forum posts.
The total size of your signature, including all banners, text, and other graphics, may not exceed 300 x 500 pixels.
If you need a size reminder on what 300 x 500 looks like, here it is:

Individual banners may not exceed 150 x 500 pixels.

Please remember that religion and politics are not permitted on the forums or in game. This includes messages and graphics in signatures.
Miscellaneous Info
*Sales or auctions for real money are not permitted.
*Harassing other players about their artwork is not permitted.
*If you see something you believe to be copyrighted or used inappropriately, contact an Op via PM.
*Copyright violations carry a penalty of 12 points and a 24 hour ban. Repeat offenders may find themselves banned from the forums permanently.
*Rules apply to photos in ANY format, be they layouts, lineart, videos, manips, banners, or anything else you might come up with.
If you want to post a commission or sales thread, or unlock an existing thread, you must reply to this post with the digital "signature" listed below:
- Code: Select all
Player Name:
Main Ranch Number:
I have read and understand the rules concerning copyright.
You may credit yourself for images taken by you. However if it's discovered that you are not being truthful about ownership of an image, the resulting ban will be for ONE WEEK rather than the standard 24 hours for copyright violations.
This post is revised an expanded on from the original.