I figured since we have an updated thread of horse worth up, it was about time for one of these.
Over the years we've seen inflation drive things like Private Breeds into the billion dollar mark in VHR cash. While a few people would love to think that those prices are still the norm, the Ops and I figured it was time to provide players with an updated guide to what the basic prices should be, and what is over paying

Currently the rate tends to be 1.2 - 1.4 mil per VHR token.
So values and prices are as follows:
Horse Shaped Box Dyes - 9 tokens = 10 mil - 13 mil
Goodie Dyes - 9 tokens = 10 mil - 13 mil
Foundation Pairs - 7 Tokens = 8 mil - 11 mil
1 Month Sponsor - 4 Tokens = 5 mil - 6 mil
3 Month Sponsor - 10 Tokens = 12 - 15 mil
6 Month Sponsor - 19 Tokens = 22 - 27 mil
1 Year Sponsor - 35 Tokens = 42 - 49 mil
Private Breed - 95 Tokens = 114 - 133 mil
You CAN find players who will buy goodies for these prices, I know of players who constantly sell PBs for 100-140 mil each, and rarely pay more than 100 mil for them myself. You can get goodie dyes for 12 mil, the last batch I sold were 12-13 mil each. You can easily find good prices on items,
PLEASE don't over pay for things that you dont have to. VHR's inflation is gone