Bulletin Board Post Guidelines! Why did my post get deleted?

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Bulletin Board Post Guidelines! Why did my post get deleted?

Postby Hawk » Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:43 am

With the game being fairly inactive we are experience a lot of players posting duplicate messages on the bulletin board.
All this is doing is clogging the BB with repeat ads and bumping off other peoples ads.
From here on out, we will be keeping the BB cleaned up.

Things that will be removed:

*Duplicate or multiple ads. Players can have ONE main post. As long as you already have a post showing up on the BB page, all other posts will be removed. This includes extra posts from your other accounts.
A method you can use to update a post, or make new posts is to post on your current post as a reply. If you need an example, check out Dragons ad post on the BB. One main post and then all following ads from the other accounts are posted as a reply to that one post.
*Outdated / expired posts will also be removed IF requested by the poster. Examples of this would be sales posts and then all of your horses sell. Eventing posts, but all of the events have already run.
*Posts begging for hand outs.
*Rude or irrelevant posts that have nothing to do with in search of or selling things.

Continued violations of this can and will result having your BB posting privileges removed.
Yes, this means if you have an active post up and we are having to continuously delete new posts from you, your access to post on the BB will be blocked.
If you have an outdated post, simply ask to have it removed.

Lets keep the BB a clean, easy to navigate set of ads for everyone!
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