Event Running Schedule and Guidelines Updated 10/8/16

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Event Running Schedule and Guidelines Updated 10/8/16

Postby Hawk » Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:02 am

Alright, after more discussion we have made even more changes to the event running guidelines.

Events will now be AUTO run by the game as of 11/27/2012

Auto Events:
10+ Entries will Auto run at -1 days.
6+ Entries will auto run at -3 days.
Also, auto system events have been fixed so they do now set themselves back up once an event is ran.

Player made:
6+ Entries will Auto run at -10 days.

Deletion: Events will no longer be deleted. This means that ALL events must have 6 entrants for them to run now!

The exception to this auto running system are the Trainoff events. Those will NOT be run by the auto run system and must be player run.

Gym events will NOT be run by ops. It is up to the players to run them. Since these events still fill quickly, there is no reason for the hosts to not be running them.
Gym events can not be run by the player until they are -3 days overdue.

Train offs: Requests to remove non train off horses from train off events: Train off events, must have train off in the name and be an official train off posted on the forum, horses must also have some form of "brand" in the name to show they are a train off horse. Please wait until the events are ready to be run, before requesting the non train off horses removed. Train offs must also have at least 6 active participants and 6 horses to be considered a train off.

Also, Gym events do NOT qualify as train off events. http://www.virtualhorseranch.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=157616

Events created in attempt to be restricted, or deny players to enter events using such ploys as labeling them in an attempt to age restrict, will have there events renamed. This is viewed as an attempt to cheat and exploit the system. Age restriction does NOT exist, and all players are allowed to enter all events in their level bracket so long as they are not a legitimate Train off event.
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Featherless Op with Pink Hoody & Bunny slippers.
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Re: Event Running Schedule and Guidelines Updated 10/8/16

Postby Hawk » Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:17 pm

Note: Auto events with 10 or more entries run at -3 days, not -6, and 6+ entries run at -6 days.
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Featherless Op with Pink Hoody & Bunny slippers.
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Re: Event Running Schedule and Guidelines Updated 10/8/16

Postby Hawk » Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:40 pm

Updating again.
Auto events now run at -1 day with 10+ entries and -3 days with 6+ entries.
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Featherless Op with Pink Hoody & Bunny slippers.
Posts: 3155
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:31 pm

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