Deciding What to Event Your Horse In

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Deciding What to Event Your Horse In

Postby Alabama » Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:17 pm

The first step is to look at the breed type of your horse. A stock horse isn't going to do as well as a Endurance horse in Endurance Racing, for example. Now check event trials to see which breeds get the better bonuses. You'll want to select the ones that are curtailed for your breed type. You can also see here what stats are most important and compare them to your horse's natural stats to see what event is the best match for your horse's abilities.

Stats are: Strength, Stamina(AKA Endurance), Speed, Intelligence. The vague description is just a few words, good, excellent, inconceivable, etc. These are the Natural Abilities. It is Not the horse's Actual Ability. Actual abilities are given through training. All horses are born with 90% (or 95% for sponsor with breeding skill) of their actual abilities. Your horse can achieve way above and beyond the percentage given above the vague description.

You'll want to train or have your horse trained specifically for the event you wish to enter it in. There are quite a few guides in the Training Guides section posted by players or you can look at the Training Connection section of the forums.

So, what are the factors in winning an event:

# Training: The higher the actual stats, the better your horse is likely to do in competition.
# Condition: Condition plays a big roll in all events, as it is the overall health of the horse.
# Energy: A deadbeat horse just won't have it in him/her.
# Mood: Different events call for different moods.
# Diet: A well fed horse will perform better than a hungry horse
# Age : A horse too far past the optimum age will not perform as well.
#Tack: Your horse should have tack for its show. You may need to purchase this through the marketplace or pay a sponsor to tack your horse for you.
#Rider: Your horse should have a rider specific for the event trained to 127 if you do not have the appropriate riding skills (sponsor). You can purchase them through the marketplace.
Now all these factors play a smaller or larger part in how fast your horse can compete against others depending on the event.

Eventing your horse
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