Getting Started Playing

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Getting Started Playing

Postby Alabama » Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:41 pm

The Basic Concept:

VHR is a massive multi-player browser based game. It does not consist of 'fancy graphics' or live interactivity (yet). It is a strategy game for horse lovers, with just about any breed of horse you can think of and eleven different disciplines from English to Western and everything in between to specialize your horse in.

Action takes place when you train your horse, and proceed to next day. Novice players are allotted certain number of days to proceed too over time. For example: as of writing this, players are given a turn (day) every hour, and they accumulate over time. As well as starting out with 100 turns. This is PLENTY for game play and probably will be adjusted.

Action also takes place when an event fills up and is ready to be run. The events are executed and the results are posted. One player can bet on horses, or enter horses in suitable events. Players do not have to be present for their horses to perform in such events. Events can be run no sooner than 24 hours after an event was created and must have 10 horses entered to be run then.

Players can breed their horses with other horses, create another breed or work on purifying their current breed.

Players can buy and sell horses to other players, or just throw them out to pasture.

The game is a turned-based game. This does NOT mean that you have to wait for other players to take a turn. Turns are given to players over time as well as initial start up amount of turns. You do not need to be online to receive turns. Turns are also referred to as days or virtual days: When you take a turn, your horses sleep over night, get fed, recover energy, and get updated.

Getting Started:

The first step that you probably want to do when you login is click the marketplace link on top of the browser and fill in the information about the type of horse you are wanting then, click search. Don't get too specific, such as looking for a certain name, you probably won't get a result. If the search comes back too many horses, try narrowing down your search. Select just mares or change the dollar amount.

Once you have purchased your horse(s), click the stables link. If you do not see your horse in the stables, click the Pasture link. You might want to find the form button to move your horse to the stables. Horses in stable are able to be trained up to six times a day, depending on their workout. Depending on your horse's stamina, and the type of training you put it through, energy will decrease. To get a closer look at your horse, click on your horse's name. Each time you train your horse, Its energy will decrease, do not decrease it too much or it could suffer from exhaustion.

Once you have excercised/trained your horse(s) and you have nothing further you wish to do, in that virtual day (turn) proceed to the next day! Do this by clicking the Proceed to The Next Day link (take turn) on top of the browser. This will take a turn off your available turns, and bring you to the next day in your stables. Your horses energy will recover depending on its stamina, and how much energy it had previously.

A Typical Virtual Day:

In a typical stable, the stable master, or in this case... the player, will go out and look over his/her horses in the stable (hit stable link) and work on them. They can click on the horses name for a closer look at this horse and for more options than to train, or to write notes to oneself. They can select the type of training in the quicktrain on the list of horses in the stable and then return to their horse or their stable. When ever you put any kind of work in to your horse in the train horse form, its energy decreases, allowing it only so much training per day. And once you have trained all your horses and you have finished all of what you like to do, you can click 'proceed to next day'. This takes one of your allotted turns away, which are given over real time to all players. Energy will recoup on horses, depending on their stamina, condition, and how tired they were once this is done.

Horses in pastures do not have to be fed as much nor do they loose stats.


Players are given a starting amount of cash. There are a few different ways to make cash as a novice:
* Competing Horses
* Selling Horses
* Offering a horse as stud
* Gambling on horses in events.
You will notice that cash dwindles pretty fast when you work through those days and horses are expensive! It is okay to go in to debt You can still compete your horses and do various tasks- but you must have money to buy horses or stud services from another player. So your options are limited. Your horses will still get fed if you are in debt. TIP: check out the tips, tricks, advice and guides section for money making ideas.

Feeding, Breeding and Training your horse
What Do the Stats Mean?
What should you event your horse in?
Eventing your horse
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