Suspensions, Ban Evasion,& Account sharing! UPDATED 2/2015

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Suspensions, Ban Evasion,& Account sharing! UPDATED 2/2015

Postby Hawk » Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:03 pm

Seems we need some clearer lines regarding when players get suspended from the forums and the games. This means you are banned, you are not supposed to be on the forums or game at all during your suspension time. If you are found coming back to them during suspension, whether it be by using another account or any other means, this will result in your suspension being extended.

For the forum suspensions, if you are found coming back after being placed on permanent suspension, this will result in in-game account suspension as well.

For game suspensions, each time you are found logging into another account while on suspension, the suspension time will be increased.

Example Only: 24 hours, 3 days, one week, one month, 6 months, permanent.

Ban extensions will be based on admin and game owner discretion based on the varying types of rule infractions that result in the bans and the amount of prior issues already incurred.

Yes, this means you could go from a one week ban, to a six month or permanent ban depending on all the factors involved.
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Re: Suspensions, Ban Evasion and account sharing!

Postby Hawk » Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:52 pm

As a reminder, when players violate the rules and are sharing accounts, BOTH players accounts will be suspended. Yes, even if you were not the one breaking the rules, if you are both using the accounts, then both parties are considered to be one player, thus all accounts involved face the consequences.

Whether it be entering more than four horses in events between the two players, creating more than four accounts without a sponsor between the sharing players, or any other rule violation... All parties involved will have to deal with the suspensions and points.

This is also a big part as to why we do not condone account sharing.

Also note that if a player that is banned from the game access your accounts, it will result in you being banned also for at minimum the same length of the players suspension (which gets extended to permanent if they are caught back in the game while knowingly banned).

So please, please, please people, think before you share your log in details with anyone else.

Not reporting a known banned player that is back on the game or helping a banned player can and or will also lead to you being suspended. Please don't let another players violations hurt you too.
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Featherless Op with Pink Hoody & Bunny slippers.
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