How to Upgrade someone else's account.

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How to Upgrade someone else's account.

Postby Alabama » Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:49 pm

Nitara Dahmpiel wrote:Upgrading Others Accounts without Using Their Log In Information

Step 1.
Log into Paypal

Step 2.
Click the "Send Money" tab at the top of the screen

Step 3.
Fill out the form
Recipient's Email or Phone: [email protected]
Amount: 35 (or whatever amount you're paying)
Currency: best to set it to US Dollars
Category of Purchase: Goods (other)
Email Subject: Just the heading of the note part, not necessary to put anything here but if you want just put "Read Inside" or something
Note: This is where you put the info Nef needs to upgrade the account, which is ust pretty much "Sponsor Upgrade for ranch #whatevernumber"

Step 4.
Click "Continue"

Step 5.
This part just gives you a recap of the form you filled out, if everything's correct click "Pay"

And there, you're done, it obviously works the same way if you want to purchase dyes for horses or if you want to buy foundies for someone. Just change the price and what you're ordering, you don't have to send each order separately either obviously, just add up the price and list everything you're buying in the note.
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Re: How to Upgrade someone else's account.

Postby Alabama » Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:31 pm

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Re: How to Upgrade someone else's account.

Postby Hawk » Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:10 am

The easiest way to upgrade for someone else now, is to go to your Orbis worlds account, purchase tokens (which is instant 99.9% of the time if you let the pages load fully), then go to manage tokens on Orbis worlds, select the length of upgrade you are doing, enter the account number in the box and click "Upgrade Now!" And you're done.
Using tokens makes upgrades and dyes come through instantly.
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