CLOSED: What is a PPGI Moderator and how do I become one?

FAQ's and Rules regarding this section, along with how to be able to help edit and update this section.

CLOSED: What is a PPGI Moderator and how do I become one?

Postby Hawk » Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:02 pm

Alright, so much like the wiki system (Many thanks to PaperWings for having taken the time to set it up for players to use, and to the players who's threads have been integrated to the section.), we want the community to help take care of this new player provided guides and information section. So, how exactly does this happen? To start, we have added active users with a post count above 4,000, but we would like for other members that would like to be an active part, help out. We would the players to be a part of this community and help maintain it and turn it into something amazing for new players and old players. The purpose of adding this fountain of information to the forums, is to make it easier for players to access it, somewhere that they already go, without needing to navigate an extra site or ask Mods to edit / update certain parts.

We are NOT accepting any more PPGI mods. Thank you.

One of the Game Mods will check the applications. Note, that players applying, must be willing to help edit and maintain the PPGI section and not have current, severe forum violations. Though we will check all applicants and make case by case decisions.

Please do note: applicants will be required to have some form of history with the game. No, this is not meant to be a way to keep new players out, but to help ensure players given access to edit this information have knowledge of the game and have developed a form of trust within the community.

PPGI Mods will have the ability to edit posts in this section only. merge posts, move posts to correct sections and so on. They will also be able to lock posts, but can not delete posts. They will be expected to do things such as add guide links to the correct player made guide threads, change and adjust bc's for horses, update custom color lists, help to verify when a player posts they have broken a bc, that it is indeed a true break, on accounts without any form of breeding bonus.

We expect and hope the players that become mods for the PPGI, will uphold high standards and not cause any mischief with their powers in this section. Any player that is found abusing their powers in this section, will find themselves removed from the mod group, along with corresponding consequences, based upon the nature of abuse which could include forum and possible game suspension dependent on the severity of abuse.

Note: Yes, users in the PPGI Mod group, will see the moderator control panel now. However, it should be blank and show no listings of mod work.
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Re: What is a PPGI Moderator and how do I become one?

Postby Hawk » Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:05 am

Seeing as some players, or most aren't sure, thought I would post a little bit more.

Yes, users in the PPGI Mod group CAN link guides and other threads from the old sections into the new sections corresponding threads. We encourage the players to do this, and add links anywhere in the new section, that is appropriate, to include any and all useful thread links. The goal of this new section, is to have a nice, clean section that will make it simple for a new players and old players to find exactly what they need, without having to dig through thousands of posts.

Are there things not included in the PPGI section that should be? By all means, make a post in the PPGI Suggestions and bring to our attention. If it is something that would truly benefit players, then we'll okay for it to be added.

We have given you guys the ability to edit and moderate this section because we want you all to be apart of helping build it and maintain it. So do not be afraid to go ahead and add things, fix things, update things where you see fit. If players not interested in being part of the PPGI Mod group post on a request thread, asking for their info to be added or updated, then please, go right on ahead and add / update the information for them. I suggest adding an "Updated" post to the thread, to show everything has been updated prior to that post.

Have fun, enjoy and lets make this one heck of an awesome player created fountain of knowledge!
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Re: CLOSED: What is a PPGI Moderator and how do I become one?

Postby Hawk » Mon Mar 14, 2016 4:30 pm

Due to being unable to keep track of who keeps changing information, and inaccurate info being posted, we are closing PPGI mod applications and thinning the current list down to a handful of active people.
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Featherless Op with Pink Hoody & Bunny slippers.
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