OMG! What does that mean? Common used Abbreviations.

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OMG! What does that mean? Common used Abbreviations.

Postby Hawk » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:08 pm

We all have experienced it at least once in our internet life, the dreaded abbreviation, emote, smiley or whatever that we just can not figure out what it means. So, here we have a list of the most commonly used things, you may encounter and wonder about.

Common Breed Abbreviations

ACD - American Cream Draft

ACL - A Cowboys Legend

ApQH - Appendix Quarter Horse

AQH - American Quarter Horse

Arab - Arabian

ASB - American Saddlebred

ASD - Appaloosa Spotted Draft

AWB - American Warmblood

AWP - American Walking Pony

BRM - British Royal Mount

BSH - Brazilian Sport Horse

BqSH - Barqsilicious Stock Horse

CCA - Companion Cavalryhorse of Alexander

Campy - Campolina

CWB - Canadian Warmblood

DF - Delightful Fresian

CCA - Companion Cavalry horse of Alexander

DoC - Descendant of Comanche

DoMoW (DMW) - Descendant of Man o War

DWB - Dutch Warmblood

GAS - Golden American Saddlebred

GD - Gypsy Drum

GVH - Gypsy Vanner Horse

GWB - German Warmblood

Hano - Hanoverian

HoH - Horse of Hades

HWB - Hungarian Warmblood

ID - Irish Draft

IHD - Italian Heavy Draft

ISH - Irish Sport Horse

ITB - Irish Thoroughbred

ITH - Irish Tinker Horses

Nerd- Awesome Equinerd

NFP - New Forest Pony

NF - Norwegian Fjords

NSH - National Show Horse

OIS - Odins Ice Steed

RotK - Ride of the Knight

SB - Standardbred

STB - Spanish Thoroughbred

SWB - Swedish Warmblood

TB - Thoroughbred

Teke - Akhal-Teke

TWH - Tennessee Walking Horse

VSH - Vienna Show Horse

WB - Warmblood

WWB - Witchy Warmblood

Chat Abbreviations

lol - Laugh out loud

lmao - Laugh my ass off

lmfao - Laugh my freaking ass off

omg - Oh my god

rofl - Rolling on the floor laughing

roflmfao - Rolling on the floor laughing my freaking ass off

wtf - What the frick

ftw - For the win

btw - by the way

fyi - for your information

brb - Be right back

afk - Away from keyboard

imo - In my opinion

imho - In my honest opinion

o.O - Confused or Strange

O_O - Shock

<.< - Often used in combination with >.> to signify shifty eyes.

^.^ - Happy or Excited

:D - Very Happy

:| - Annoyed, Disappointed, Frustrated, Can't believe it.

>:| - Angry or Evil

:( - Sad

:) - Happy

:P - Sticking your tongue out

;-; or ;_; or ;.; - Sad/Crying

._. - Feeling low

e.e -Annoyed

XD - Laughing face

Horse Stats

Fg - Fairly Good

G - Good

Vg - Very Good

Eg - Extremely Good

Sup/S - Superb

Fant/F - Fantastic

Extro/Ex/E - Extraordinary

Am/A - Amazing

Pheno/Ph/P - Phenomenal

Inco/I - Inconceivable


BC - Birth Cap

BIN - Buy it now (The amount required to buy the item straight out, without waiting for an auction to end.)

CCG - Colour Colt Guarantee

CFG - Colour Foal Guarantee

GM - Game Master, or Moderator.

HB - Highest bid (The highest amount that has been bid so far.)

MBI - Minimum bid increase (The minimum amount you must add to the current HB to place a bid.)

OP - Operator (Also see GM.)

OTTB - Off-Track Thoroughbred

SB - Starting bid (The auctions minimum starting price.)

WIP - Work in progress
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